Tibbe-Line Energy Savings

Line dry clothes whenever you can. When you need to used the clothes dryer, run full loads, use the moisture-settings and clean the lint trap after each use.

Conserve energy by running your dishwasher only when it is fully loaded and turn off the dry cycle and air-dry the dishes instead.
Use Your Appliances Wisely- To help prevent electricity outages, avoid running your appliances during peak hours - from 4 p.m to 6 p.m. - or anytime an electricity emergency is declared.
Do laundry more efficiently by using warm water or cold water settings for washing your clothes.

Eliminate Wasted Energy
Turn off appliances, lights and equipment when not in use.
You can also save by unplugging electronic devices and chargers when they are not in use. Don't forget to turn computers and printers off at the power strip.